My company has ransomware, now what?

What are the most important steps to take for my company to mitigate ransomware?

  1. Isolate the affected systems: Disconnect the affected systems from the network immediately to prevent the ransomware from spreading. This will help to contain the damage and prevent further breaches.

  2. Perform a backup: Check if there is a recent backup available, if yes, restore the systems from the backup. If no, the cost of restoring the system from a backup can range from $500 to $3000, depending on the size of the company, the complexity of the systems, and the cost of the backup storage.

  3. Assess the damage: Assess the extent of the damage and determine which files have been encrypted and which systems have been affected. This will help to determine the scope of the recovery effort and the costs associated with restoring the systems.

  4. Notify authorities: Report the incident to the proper authorities, such as the FBI, which will help to investigate the breach and take action against the attackers.

  5. Pay the ransom: If there is no backup available or if the backup is outdated, it may be necessary to pay the ransom in order to restore the encrypted files. Keep in mind that paying the ransom does not guarantee that the files will be restored, and that paying the ransom may also encourage future ransomware attacks.

  6. Review and update security protocols: Review and update your security protocols to prevent future breaches. This can include things like implementing two-factor authentication, creating strong passwords, and using anti-virus software. The cost of this step can vary, but it can range from $3000 to $5000, depending on the size of the company and the complexity of the systems.

  7. Train employees: Train employees on security best practices, such as not opening suspicious emails or clicking on links from unknown sources. This can help to reduce the risk of future breaches and can be done at minimal costs.

What are the on-going costs once my company has mitigated the issues?

When it comes to ongoing costs, if a company chooses an in-house option for security, they will need to budget for:

  • Salaries and benefits for in-house IT staff
  • Cost of software and hardware for security protocols
  • Training costs for employees
  • Regular updates and upgrades to security protocols

On the other hand, if a company chooses to outsource to a local provider, they will need to budget for:

  • Monthly or annual fees to the managed IT service provider
  • Additional costs for any additional services
  • Costs of any hardware or software required
  • Additional costs for any additional security protocols

The costs associated with both options will depend on the size and complexity of the company and the specific services required. An in-house option may be more expensive in the long run, as it requires the company to hire and maintain a dedicated IT staff, and may be less flexible if the company needs to scale up or down its IT resources. Outsourcing to a local provider may be more cost-effective, as it allows the company to access the expertise and resources of a managed IT service provider without the need to hire and maintain an in-house IT staff.

Are you experiencing a ransomware event?

If you are experiencing a ransomware event, Netirio can help. Our team of experienced professionals can assist with recovering data, and helping to mitigate future risks by implementing the security standards outlined above.


Call us today! 303-284-3566 or email us

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